Re: udp packet storms

Chris Ellwood (cellwood@gauss.ELEE.CalPoly.EDU)
Sun, 30 Oct 1994 11:43:26 -0800 (PST)

Darren Reed said...
> > This is yet another reason why you should disable echo, discard,
> > chargen, and any other inetd tcp/udp debugging service.  It's
> > surprising how many people leave those in inetd.conf.
> Sorry, I missed out on the reason why we should disable discard.
> Would you mind explaining it ?  I thought it was like it's name sake -
> a sink hole (blackhole if you like) for packets.  Sort of like /dev/null.

Yes, that's correct.  But if you aren't using it for anything, then it's
probably safe to disable it.

- Chris